Post-Graduation Survey - Graduate Student Exit Survey

Thank you for reporting your post-graduation plans to the KU School of Music. The information you share will be handled confidentially and used for reporting purposes and program evaluation/improvement. If you have questions or suggestions about this process, please contact

Student Information
This is a seven digit number.
Demographic Information
Select all that apply.
Select a number on the scale, with 1 being not important and 5 being very important.
Select a number on the scale, with 1 being low quality and 5 being high quality.
Program Information
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging
If you selected "other," please provide additional details about your experience below if you feel comfortable.
Report an Incident at: Whether against you or someone else, report incidents of sexual misconduct, discrimination, harassment, dating/domestic violence, stalking, or retaliation to keep our community safe.
Please tell us more about your experience if you did not feel welcomed and supported during your time in the School of Music. If you would like to provide additional anonymous feedback on your experiences at KU, you can complete the DEIB feedback form at: (copy and paste the link to open the form).
Employment Information
Attention: "Employed" means that you were employed full-time or part-time throughout your degree program. 'Hired' means that you have been offered a job and will begin working after you graduate.​ "Seeking" means you are currently applying to positions, but have not accepted a position. 'Not Seeking Employment' means you are planning to pursue more education or you do not plan on working after graduation.
(Within the last 6 months)

The results of this survey will be reviewed by the Graduate Student Services Coordinator (for graduate students) and the Undergraduate Recruiter (for undergraduate students), who will then summarize the information to share with the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, Dr. Colin Roust. The intent is to better understand where our students are going (career-wise) and identify issues students may have had during their time at KU, that we can try to address either through faculty and staff development or through our newly formed Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Belonging (DEIB) Committee. The individual results will not be shared with the faculty, but summary information may be shared. Please email if you need any additional information you would prefer an in-person or zoom-type exit interview. We are happy to accommodate.