~ Conference Form Template (Duplicate this one) ~

Conference Subtitle (if needed)
University of Kansas, Lawrence, April 21–22, 2018

General information about the conference can be found on the conference website.

Personal Information
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needed for reporting
What institution are you affiliated with?
For students and postdocs, enter the year or expected year of PhD

Blocks of rooms have been reserved for the nights of Friday, April 20, and Saturday, April 21. at some of the Lawrence hotels (more information). We encourage graduate students to share a room. The conference organizers will make hotel/room assignments and will provide the assignments to the hotels.

Room Reservation

Do you want us to book your room at the conference hotel?


Lunch will be provided on site for Saturday by the KU Math Department. An informal dinner for Saturday evening will be held following the poster session. There is no fee for the dinner.

Attendance Information

Please provide a short non-technical abstract (text only [no LaTex, MathML, etc.])

Travel Support

Travel support will be provided to all plenary/invited speakers unless they wish to use other funding. (Speakers will need to select YES if they want to receive travel support.)

A limited amount of travel support may be available for individuals that wish to attend the conference but cannot do so without support.

For participants other than speakers, please write a short paragraph explaining your interest and motivation to attend the conference.
Home Address Information

To receive travel support, you will need to provide your home address for reimbursement. Additional instructions and forms will be given at the on-site registration.

include apartment number