57th Gatlinburg Conference Registration Form

55th Gatlinburg Conference

57th Gatlinburg Conference Registration

Catamaran Hotel, San Diego, CA, April 7-10, 2025
Hosted by the University of Kansas Life Span Institute
For Individuals interested in reducing overall costs we have a hotel room sharing form and ride sharing form.

The Gatlinburg Conference on Research and Theory in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities is one of the premier conferences for behavioral scientists conducting research in intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD).

Your ticket to the Gatlinburg Conference includes access to:

Ticket types and prices:

Tickets are non-refundable
Academic Professional $500= investigator, tenure-track or research faculty, clinician
Early Career $250 = undergraduate, graduate student or postdoc
Self-Advocate $250 = individual's with lived experience supporting research in developmental disabilities

Late Registration starts on March 1, 2025 (all tickets increase by $50)
Items with an are required.

Pronouns are used in place of someoneā€™s name. Common English pronouns are he/him, she/her, they/them.
We will display this information in your conference registration.
We will display this information in your conference registration.
More Detail to Follow

Tuesday, April 8, 2025.
Box Lunch will be provided.

Check all that apply.
If you chose "Other" above please clarify here.
If you chose "Other" above please clarify here.
If you chose "Other" above please clarify here.
"Academic Professional" = investigator, tenure-track or research faculty, clinician
"Early Career" = undergraduate, graduate student or postdoc

We request you agree to the following terms:

Understand that tickets are non-refundable.

Agree to follow the conferenceĀ Code of Conduct.