Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL)

An emerging and exciting way for students across the United States to enhance their learning are Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) projects. This involves U.S. students meeting regularly online (e.g., Zoom, Teams) with people living in Latin America and the Caribbean. Typically, the international partners are other students, but they could be anyone that would add a personal or professional dimension to a course. Projects can consist of students and professors on both sides collaboratively working on a research project, or simply students or others getting to know each other and sharing experiences. The online meeting size depends on the goals, and usually involves small groups rather than the entire classes meeting together, although it may be beneficial to have introductory and concluding mass meetings. Meetings are usually once per week. Students can make friends for life and invite each other to visit.
Most of the challenge for the professors involve: (a) finding partners abroad, (b) determining which students speak the language of the partners, (c) matching out-of-class schedules for the meetings, and (d) adjusting to any issues that might arise (such as the pandemic closing spaces of internet access). Student assistants on both sides – particularly ones that know both languages – can provide logistical support to professors. The Center can provide up to $1000 per COIL. Funds should be evenly split between the KU and international partners, and they can be used to pay instructors or students assistants involved with the project.
There must be a minimum of 8 class-to-class interactions, or the equivalent of 8 hours, during a given academic term. Applications should consist of a budget, 300-word description of collaboration plan and a CV and letter of intent to collaborate from the partner educator in Latin America. Stipends will be paid upon the completion of the student-student exchanges. Revolving deadline but no later than 20 days before the first scheduled exchange.

For questions, contact Carolina Simon-Pardo (

In order to complete this application you will also need to provide the following:

Your Information
Project Description
Please explain
Please detail the collaborative nature of your project and how it addresses pressing global questions/issues. Please also upload a document below.300 words left
Collaborative Partner
Collaborative Partner #2
Collaborative Partner #3
File Uploads